
Some very special women dedicate themselves to Women’s Health and Wellness. Elisabeth Mberg is one of those women. Elizabeth recently founded the LiveFibroidLife campaign to initiate education about Uterine fibroids in Africa. Her goal is to raise awareness, including but not limited to, alternative fibroid treatments and fertility questions.

Elisabeth wants to reach up to 10,000 women with her initiative by 2025.  She launched a crowdfunding campaign to collect the necessary funds that an initiative of this size needs. Tigovit USA is supporting her campaign by donating on dollar from every box of tigovit sold until March 1st.  supports this campaign and help to introduce  Elisabeth and her project. 

Meet Elisabeth Mberg,

  1. Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Elisabeth Mberg; I was born in Cameroon, where I grew up and lived until I graduated from high school. I came to Germany 18 years ago and studied at the dual university in Mannheim engineering and at the ENSIC (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques) in Nancy France, where I completed a master’s degree in engineering with a focus on machinery and plant engineering in 2008.

After I graduated, I worked for six years as a project engineer in mechanical engineering and technical sales both in Germany and abroad. I am currently working in the area of project planning and planning for new buildings for a German logistics and postal company.

I plan the Warehouses, production areas, and conveyor systems for sorting packages. In addition to these tasks, I monitor and support production.

You have currently started a crowdfunding campaign on the issue of fibroids in Africa. Tell us why you did it, what are your goals and motivation for this campaign?

Women shape the community in most African countries and are the pillars of the continent. However, it is hard for women to find support when they have reproductive health issues. Even worse, if these problems lead to infertility, prejudices are often directed against them. According to the still existing believe, a childless woman is worthless and deserves no respect.



Tanja Founder founder of tigovit with Elisabeth Mberg of Livefibroidlife

This can result in unhappiness and loneliness and can contribute to poverty. Young women try everything to conceive and have children, simply to meet the expectations of those around them.

I too was obsessed with the desire to have children and could never have imagined a life without children. Due to my fibroids, I could never get pregnant and, at some point, I let go of my unfulfilled wish.  I was first diagnosed with Uterine fibroids when I was 20 years old, in 2003. The removal of the uterus was the only recommended treatment. I resisted because I was living in Germany and other options were available.

Compared to other women, African women develop Uterine fibroids much earlier. Because they have few options, many young women lose their womb at a young age. I am familiar with both myoma complications and the terrible human suffering behind them. I know how one can make the wrong decision, for your health, if you don’t have the necessary knowledge about the disease.

Why did you start this campaign?
I believe that young women in Africa should not have to undergo hysterectomy only because they think that there is no other treatment for fibroids.

  • Women who want to have children need to be adequately informed about this disease.
  • Women should be able freely to decide about their family planning.
  • The stigma of childless women needs to be stopped.
  • Women with fibroids can still realize their dreams and goals.

That is why I started this project to offer a local awareness campaign about fibroids: My campaign LiveFibroidLife aims to bring Uterine fibroids into the public eye in Africa. The campaign will address women with fibroids, encourage women to fight against fibroids, support them in preventing this disease and striving to reduce unnecessary hysterectomies.

It is also essential to ensure that women, who otherwise cannot afford it, receive health products, care, and specialized therapies. Donations will be funding the project (see here the link to the campaign on GoFundMe the good-fight)

Besides, the project should enable women to have access to all topics related to reproductive health and to sustainable alternatives that can also help with fibroids. I plan to host “Fibroid Events” with professionals and the public and to set up various facilities that can provide women with useful tips and information on fibroids.

Contact points are, for example, small suburbs, universities, parishes, and hospitals. The campaign intends to support the creation of groups of women who meet and speak publicly about the topic of fibroids and exchange ideas.

What is your vision?
My vision is that 10,000 women will benefit from this initiative and will lead a healthier life without fibroids.  There are more and more women committing to ending stigmatizing affected women. Still, women’s health does not get much attention in Africa, and much has to change. We need more people engaged in making a significant impact. I want the Ministries of Health in African countries to be interested in fibroids.

An essential aspect of this campaign is the self-determination of family planning. As Africans, we were raised that women have to have children. In my opinion, this is not right, since children should not be born into the world at any cost. We, women, have to speak up and discuss these issues very openly without feeling guilty. With this project, I want to give women tips on how to control or avoid the growth of fibroids and much more. Ultimately, women should receive courage and hope through this project.

I accompany the campaign with daily news about my story on the Elli Mberg Facebook page

We thank you for the interview and wish you every success in realizing these critical goals!

Would you like to support Elisabeth in her initiative? You can do that with a donation for their campaign on Gofundme.
