Nam orci orci, pretium vel elementum eu, vestibulum at sapien. Sed pretium turpis lacus, ut vehicula odio tempor non. Duis fermentum massa sed laoreet suscipit. Mauris sed semper urna, a facilisis elit.
An old Chinese saying goes, “Famous mountains produce famous tea”. The Yellow Mountains region of the remote and pristine Anhui Province of China is famous for growing the highest quality green tea in the world. This is the exclusive source from which tigovit green tea extract is made.
About 5 hours from Shanghai, high up in the mountains, lies the cultivation area for the pure EGCG of tigovit which grows on one of the world’s few organic certified green tea plantations. The Yellow Mountains are among the most famous and beautiful mountainous regions in China. They were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990. Because of the excellent growth conditions and the high mountain climate, green tea plants from this mountain region in China are bestowed with more catechin polyphenols than from other growing areas.
This outstanding cultivation area provides the foundation for the natural purity of tigovit. The fields on which tigovit green tea grows are free of pesticides. Cultivation is carried out according to organic standards and without the use of genetic engineering. In addition, these tea fields are high and secluded, far from the pollutants of industry or cities.
In Germany, multiple residue analysis are carried out for tigovit. The analysis lab is completely independent and separate from tigovit. This continuing analysis confirms tigovit as a natural, pollutant-free, premium product unique among the many green tea preparations available today.
To get the most out of this green tea from the Yellow Mountains, we recommend taking tigovit daily. 1 capsule contains 160 mg EGCG, equivalent to drinking about 4 cups of green tea. The recommended daily dose of 3 capsules contains 480 mg of EGCG, the equivalent of about 12 cups of green tea. tigovit offers you an opportunity to take the highest quality green tea and its valuable ingredients in a convenient and uncomplicated form.
Jane Travis
WriterDonec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
Larry Wilson
JournalistNullam a ultrices ex, quis finibus neque. Etiam facilisis consectetur ante ac bibendum. Sed pretium lacinia sollicitudin. Fusce molestie ac turpis cursus ultricies. Sed euismod justo vitae lectus auctor, mattis ultrices nisi pretium.